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Stepping out of Your Comfort Zone

a place or situation where one feels safe or at ease and without stress.

That's the definition, but for each and every one of us, we can easily name places and situations that are completely out of that zone; speaking in public, doctor's offices, standing up for what we want, the gym, and asking help from others.

Remaining in our comfort zones is just that, comfortable. It's like being wrapped up in a cozy, soft blanket, watching our favorite show. I mean, let's face it, who wants to get up from that. When we remove that blanket, suddenly we are cold and rather than get up, get our blood pumping and find something else to keep us warm, we stay covered and curled up in that familiar warmth.

Most of us have some degree of expectations. Maybe we want to learn a new language, start our own business, get that degree we've put off, or lose that weight. Whatever those expectations are, we continue to find ourselves in that comfort zone because it's easy, it doesn't seem to cause us pain, or does it? The fact is, we can't keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results. I've been told, THAT'S, the definition of insanity.

If we're not willing to step out of the comfort zone and get uncomfortable, then we deprive ourselves of experiences that will enable us to grow and potentially reach those expectations we are so desperately wanting to reach.

In the last 3 months I have stepped out of my comfort zone; not once, but many times and I have to admit that each time is not easy. I have had to learn to ask for help from others, to not take a "no" as personal, and to realize that although growth doesn't happen overnight, it will happen. I have learned to not live in fear of the unknown and change. These past months have been a roller coaster, filled with ups and downs but also a lot of thrills and excitement.

As I continue on this journey I call my life, I know there will be many more opportunities to unwrap myself from that cozy blanket, to get uncomfortable, and to step out of my comfort zone. Will I always do it? Probably not. But I know when I do, the possibilites are endless. When will you step out of your comfort zone?

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