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Age is but a Number!

September 27th I celebrated my 49th birthday. For some reason, I continue to run into people who dread that yearly date, but I am not one of them. I mean, let's face it, celebrating the day beats the alternative of not being here at all. But all kidding aside, I have never felt healthier and more fit than I do, today.

I have spent the last 30 years learning who I am, what works and doesn't work for me, and finding that balance that makes every day worthwhile.

30 years ago, that picture of me in the yellow dress set me on a path that has led me to where I am today. I realized then that I didn't want to continue to live the way I had been. Mind you, it hasn't been perfect since then and I have stumbled many times over the years, but I never gave up. Every time I learned something new about me and I made adjustments. I continue today to fine tune my daily program and I am always looking for new ideas to keep it fresh. I love new recipes and working with others who want to achieve similar goals.

At age 48, I made a decision to become a health and fitness coach. Age is but a number and you are never too old to take charge of your health, your fitness and your life. Today is the day to pursue the best you ever!

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