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5-29-15 Day 5

I have to give a shout out to my Coach June Hug. I have somehow misplaced one of my 21 Day fix dvds and she guided me on how I could access the workouts through the Beachbody website. It was so nice to be able to do the Cardio Fix video and stay on track. Today was a better day as the soreness was so much better and I'm really getting the food portions down to a science. 


I weighed in this morning and was really happy to see the scale moving in the direction that I want it to. It just adds to my motivation to keep going and do my best. I was telling a friend about this today and she wants to do the program with me in June after she gets back from vacation. I looking forward to working out with a friend. It should be lots of fun!


5-30-15 Day 6

So I'm pretty excited! My first order of Shakeology came today. I ordered the sample box, figured it would be a good way to figure out what flavor I like the best before I spend the money and commit to one flavor. I plan on starting it tomorrow, most likely using it for breakfast. I'll definitely report back with how I liked or didn't like each flavor. 


Did the Dirty 30 today and I have a feeling I might be sore tomorrow. Quite a few squats and lunges, but I liked it. Tomorrow is Yoga. Going to try and get it done early so I have the rest of the day to get things done. 


5-31-15 Day 7

So it's 9:58 on Sunday night and I just finished the Yoga workout. Better late than never! I can tell I'm already getting a little more limber, especially on my left side. I can't believe that one week is already gone. I have gotten in all the workouts to the best of my ability and I would have to say that I have been on plan with my food about 98%, which is saying alot for me. This week is going to have lots of challenges, but I made a batch of egg muffins and I also got the Shakeology yesterday. Speaking of which, I tried the Vanilla flavor today. I used coffee, in place of water. The flavor was good, but I was in a hurry and the coffee wasn't cool enough, so even though I added ice cubes, it was still kinda warm. If I were to do it again, I would make sure my coffee was cold and I wouldn't use as much liquid. My plan is to have the Shakeology for breakfast and the egg muffins for my morning break.


6-1-15 Day 8 

I wish I could say today was a perfect on plan day, but it wasn't. It started off really good. I did the Total Cardio Fix and then had a chocolate Shakeology shake to start my day. I had my food packed for work, but got real busy, missed my morning snack, in fact forgot it in the fridge at work. Well, that's one less thing I have to pack for tomorrow. For some reason, when I got home, I just wanted to snack. I ended up eating the equivalent of 2 blue containers today, For those of you not familiar with the program, the blue container is for things like nuts, cheese, hummus, etc. Then at dinner, I had twice as much protien as I should have. But on a good note, I did not eat any of the chocolate-peanut butter no bake cookies that my daughter made tonight. Sugar has always been a problem for me, so that was a really big deal. The important thing to remember is that none of us is perfect and we will stumble occassionally, but as long as you get right back on track, you'll be fine. The only people who are failures are the ones who stop trying.


I forgot to mention it yesterday, but I went to the movies with my daughter and I brought my blue and yellow containers with me, filled with snacks that fit into my day. I did not spend a single penny at the concessions stand. Not only saved me money, but my waistline as well. It was suggested to me today that I should consider becoming a Beachbody coach. I'll think about it. I'd like to see how this first round goes, but I think it might be fun. 


6-2-15 Day 9

Today started out a little crazy. I woke up to no power. At first I was like, "No problem, I'll just use my computer and use the on demand feature on", but I quickly realized that I had no internet. I would have used my dvd, except it was in my dvd player and I couldn't get it out. No worries though, as I was able to get my workout done when I got home from work. The power got restored around 1:00pm. 


Today was the Upper Fix routine again and this one reminds me of my physical limitations. I had spine surgery a few years back. I had 2 discs removed, the C5 & C6. I have muscle function loss in both hands and as a result, I can easily go numb from my neck to my finger tips. Push ups can really aggrevate this, but I have learned to modify. I only do them on my knees, but I still get a good workout. Modifying the routines is something I have to do reguarly, but I'd rather modify, than do nothing. Small steps will lead to big results. It's just going to take a little longer and I'm okay with that.


6-3-15 Day 10

So I realized that I haven't given any feedback on the Shakeology products since the first day with the Vanilla. Since then, I have tried the Chocolate, the Vegan Chocolate, and Strawberry. I would have to say that I like the Chocolate the best, followed by the Strawberry. I made them with unsweetened almond milk and ice. They were very thick and satisfiying. Kept me full and not wanting to snack. I also feel like I have more energy. I'm not as tired in the afternoon when I get home from work. I've been having them for breakfast after my morning workout and that seems to be best. I'm planning to order more, but I'm still deciding on what flavor I want. 


Today was the Lower Body Fix and I found it much easier this week since I wasn't as sore. I haven't upped my weights yet. I really just want to get through this first round and get stronger. My plan is to start increasing the weights when I can on the exercises. This is all part of the modifying that I talked about yesterday. If I do things to quick I could have a setback and I don't want that. It's really important to know your own body and to listen to it. It's never a good idea to push too far and cause injury.


6-4-15 Day 11

I am not a fan of Pilates. I really hated them last week. It was miserable after doing the first 3 days on the program. Today, was round two of the Pilates Fix and although I'm still not a fan, it was definitely easier than last week. I am getting stronger and I know the moves are really good for me. I'll keep doing it cause you never know, I might just start to like them. 


I had the Vegan Tropical Strawberry Shakeology. It was good, although, didn't seem as smooth as the other flavors. I think I've decided for my next order, I am going to get the Triple Combo Pack which has Chocolate, Strawberry and Vanilla.


6-5-15 Day 12

Well, I did it, I became a BeachBody Coach. It just felt like the timing was right and since I have been certified as a personal trainer for the last 4 years but haven't really been able to put it to use, except for myself, I felt like it would be a good fit. I spent over an hour on the phone with my coach the other day and I want to be able to pass on support just like she did for me. Since I'll be off work for the summer, it should be a good time for me to focus on this and get it going. I even have a friend that wants me to work with her this summer, so I'm pretty excited.


I had the greenberry shakeology today. Funny story, I was running late, so I pack my Magic Bullet, my Shakeology powder and even took ice with me to work. When I got there I put everything in the container, but when I went to blend it, I discovered that I forgot to pack the blade! I did bring a lid with me, so I screwed that on to the container and shook it like crazy. The ice cubes worked to blend the powder and made it nice and cold. I was pretty impressed with how well it blended. I removed the ice cubes and enjoyed my shake. Where there's a will, there's a way! Never give up!


6-6-15 Day 13

It is currently 10:13pm and I just finished my Dirty 30 workout. Why so late you ask? Well, I got up real early this morning and began baking. I made 24 cupcakes, chocolate cream filling, vanilla buttercream and a cake. All of this is for my niece's baby shower tomorrow and it was an all day affair until around 4:00pm. I took a break and went and got my nails done and by the time I got home, made some dinner and cleaned the kitchen, it was 9:30. It would have been real easy to blow off my workout, but I just can't, especially since the last 2 days my eating has not been as clean as I would have like it. The fact is, this is a process. I am not perfect, nor will I ever be. What I am, is determined. Determined to never give up, determined to not beat myself up when I make choices that aren't the best(Read "It's not Cheating, It's a Choice" on my Home page), and I'm determined to stick with this program and keep getting better at it.


6-7-15 Day 14

Woo Hoo!!! 2 weeks completed! It hasn't been perfect, but I haven't given up. I feel like I'm getting stronger and definitely more flexible. I haven't been 100% on the food, but I am making progress and I know that it will take me longer to reach my goals if I continue to stray from the program. Today was the Yoga Fix and it was so warm in my house, that on the advice of my hubby, I did my workout outside next to my pool. It was a nice change of pace. I was able to plug in my laptop and use the BeachBody on Demand feature which is part of the Club membership. It's been a great feature to have since I misplaced one of my dvds. My goal this week is to be on point with my food choices and keep up with the workouts.


6-8-15 Day 15

Just finished my Cardio Fix workout and it was really hard to get through. I think it was a combination of the heat and lack of proper nutrition. It was so hot, I just didn't feel like eating much. I'm glad I got the workout finished but in the future I am going to have to make it a priority to eat properly so that I am fueled for these workouts. They take a lot out of you.


6-9-15 Day 16

What do you do with stress? For most of my life I have tried to eat the stress away. Needless to say, that is not the solution. I'm really going to try and get up early and get my workout in. 9:30 at night is proving itself to be a tricly time for me, I'm fatiguing way too dquickly. I also can't wait for my Shakeology to get here. I really need that good nutrition to fuel my body. Getting ready for a trip and dealing with end of the school year is a lot to have on my plate, but I'm trying to make it work. 



6-10-15 Day 17

So this morning I got up early and did my lower body fix. It was definitely a better workout than the previous two days and what was really great is that I didn't have to worry about it later after I got home from work. Speaking of work, today the teachers in my department provided us with an appreciation luncheon. We got to preorder what we wanted, so I opted for the Greek salad. The salad was ok, it had lettuce, olives, peppercini, red onion and a little feta cheese. It didn't have any meat and it came with a vinigerette on the side. It also came with a Snickerdoodle cookie. I had made a decision that I was going to have that cookie, but fortunately for my waistline, when I took a small bite, the cookie wasn't very good. Being someone who bakes and bakes really well, I decided that the cookie wasn't worth it and I threw the rest of it away. Sometimes we are going to make choices that may not be beneficial, but we have to own our choices and then move on. Don't beat yourself up, and if you are going to stray, make sure it's really worth it!


6-11-15 Day 18

Yay! Last day of school and summer vacation is here! I'm really looking forward to being off and enjoying some time with my family. Have a couple vacations planned and I also want to start putting in some time to dedicate to being a coach. My friend is joining and will be my first customer. I am so excited to work with her. I'm also so glad my Shakeology order arrived today. I've really felt a difference not having it each day.


6-12-15 Day 19

So today I got up at the same time I always do even though I didn't have to go to work. I was meeting friends at 8:00am, so I decided I wanted to get in my cardio before I started the rest of my day. I had to go back to school to clean up my desk and take care of a few loose ends, then I went home to relax before I had to go back to school to work graduation. It was so nice getting to start my day with Shakeology. It really gave me the energy I needed to get things done. I ordered the Chocolate/Strawberry/Vanilla pack this time. I decided since I had so much traveling to do, the convienience of the individual packets would be much easier to pack and deal with.


6-13-15 Day 20

I can't believe 20 days has already passed! This first 21 days has been a real learning experience. Overall, I feel it has been a success. I am way more flexible than I was before I started. I've lost inches and a few pounds and I feel like I'm getting stronger. I've also become a BeachBody coach and look forward to helping others acheive their goals. I decided to post my results today because I won't be able to tomorrow. I plan on taking the next week to regroup and look at the areas that I need to really improve on (like, planning my food everyday). After that, I am going to take a look at some of the other videos available on Beachbody Demand and then plan on starting another 21 Day Challenge July 6th. I plan to encourage others to jump on board and join me. If you've been inspired and would like to make a change, I encourage you to contact me and I'll get you set up. Below are my before and after picks from this first 21 days. Although not drastic, you can definitely see that my body is changing.









Round 1-Daily Musings


Before Front             After Front              Before Side     After side       Before Back            After Back

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