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Post Round 1



I finished my Round 1 on June 13th, one day early because I was leaving on a plane on the 14th for Ireland. Ireland was amazing and I will probably blog about that on another page, but I did want to talk about some of the obstacles and good things that happened while I was out of the country.


I brought my laptop with me and I was able to access the Beachbody on Demand feature. My time was limited, so I chose to do the 10 minute trainer with Tony Horton. I happen to own this program, so I was familiar with it and let me tell you, it's a heck of a workout in just 10 minutes. I also did some yoga, some tricep dips and pushups, as well as some ab work. We also did alot of walking and I strove to get 10,000 or more steps in a day. This wasn't easy because we spent alot of time in the car getting to where we wanted to explore.


Food was another thing. I packed my Magic Bullet and Shakeology packets. I sstarted out every day with a shake. It made a big difference in the rest of my day. Was I perfect on this trip, not at all! But I tried to make better choices as much as possible and when those choices weren't the best, I tried to make sure they were worth straying from the plan. I mean, I was on vacation for the first time in Ireland! I was gonna try some local cuisine. Fortunately for me, I don't drink alcohol, so the many brews in the pubs were not a problem.


We got back on the 23rd and both my grown children asked if they could start doing the 21 Day Fix program with me. I was thrilled and we started the exercise portion on Wednesday and the food on Thursday. My son will be going back to school on the 13th, so this is perfect and my daughter will be here till mid-August. I was real happy when I weighed in yesterday and discovered that I didn't gain anything while we were away and I don't feel like I was deprived.


Today my whole family went to the farmer's market and got some great produce that we are going to grill later this afternoon. It has been fun working out side by side with my son during the week and I look forward to working out with both the kids today and tomorrow. My daughter works out by herself during the week because she has a job to get to. 


. If you have been looking for a change, good nutrition and people to help you along the way, check out my website:  contact me and I will be happy to get you set up for a 21 Day Fix Challenge



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